Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tablets - the fun and easy way to take notes!

So I don't have much time to write about this, so this one will be fairly short.

Writing notes can be tedious work--sometimes when you get a teacher that's jacked on caffeine, you often end up having carpel tunnel by the end of class. I have seen many people bring their laptops to class to type up their notes to combat this. If you're a fast typer often this can be the solution to your note-taking woes.

Initially that's what I did, but what happens when you're teacher starts drawing diagrams and figures?!!?!? How do you draw stuff with word!?!?!?!?

As a biochemist, I often encounter many classes that require me to draw chemical structures and graphs. My solution was the tablet.

I had heard about tablets from my Photoshop experimental days when I REALLY wanted to become a graphic designer (*Sigh*). So when I was trying to find out ways to translate writing into a digital form, the tablet came to mind.

So searching online, I found the Wacom Bamboo for a hundred bucks, which was a little pricy even for a refurbished item. However, it's one of the best investments I've ever made.

Wacom tablets are great to take notes on because they feel real, and are pressure sensitive, giving what you write a realistic look. The new bamboo tablet has come out and is quite nice and is reasonably priced. If you're rich and don't care how much you spend, invest in Wacom's higher end tablets, the Intuos, or if you're just ballin', get the Cintiq. These range from a couple hundred to a couple thousand--a bit much in my book so I'll just stick to my bamboo and use it until it breaks.

The new tablet by the way is called the bamboo pen and touch, which doubles as track pad (the flat mouse thing on your laptop) XD.

Long story short, I love my tablet and it has saved me hours of continually searching through my clothing for my notebook, or countless days of stressing out because my notes somehow were torn out of my notebook.

So Imagine this: All of your notes, for every class, from the beginning of college to the end of college, tucked away in one place, in one folder on the desktop of your computer. Essentially one notebook (your laptop) for everything. You never have to carry multiple notebooks or heavy  1000 subject notebooks to class ever again! Just your laptop. 


I'll have to go over how I do it in class on another blog and possibly a video. But in the mean time here are some screen shots of some of my recent notes.

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