Thursday, June 16, 2011

Make money using Varolo!

Ok so I know that if anyone is reading my delicious blog they must be trying to make their life a lot easier! It ain't that easy. Everyone needs cars, money, big TVs, wo(men), and more cash. However, that's pretty hard. I remember a thousand blogs ago that I looked into a variety of ways to make money--all of them failed except blogging, and even blogging hasn't exactly provided me with enough money to pay for my student loans.

I once again have conjured up another money making scheme which does show promise--It's called Varolo! I know you must be thinking, "Is that a candy bar"?. And the answer is yes. It's a German chocolate intertwined with velvety  brown Swedish caramel and delicious... mmm yummy. BUT FAKE. Ok this is what Varolo really is: it's a company that utilizes the fact that advertisers are willing to do anything to get their product name out. Varolo basically creates a platform where advertisers KNOW that the viewers will watch their ads because the only way you can really make money is that you watch these ads. But you also need to create a village, which is a conglomerate of people that you have invited to join your "village". The people that join under your village make money for you by viewing ads like you. You get a small share of what they get.  Those people can also help you make money by inviting other people, which in essence creates a grandfather effect. The underlings (YES, I said underlings) will help make the inviters money by watching ads, up to 5 underlings, I believe.

Well, long story short, it's another money making scheme that I found with the help of my friend. It's long shot I know, but if I can get anyone and everyone reading to quickly make an account, I can report back what I make or least give you all an idea of what I make. Use the special link below!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is Your School Inbox Full?! Here's the solution!!!

Have you ever found yourself trying to email something from your school or company email and you find that you can't send it because your inbox is full? If so, that's Bulls**t. Instead of fretting, I've come up with a pretty quick and easy solution--use Gmail or Hotmail as a host for those emails.

What happens if you link your Gmail/Hotmail (host) account to your school/company (source) email account, the host email will take emails from your source account and then delete it from the source account, leaving you with plenty of space on your source email to send out your emails.

Another perk is that you can send emails from your source account through the host account, meaning you only have to log onto your host account to send emails from either account. Gmail offers a huge amount of space for users to receive email so you never really have to worry about running out of space!

Here's how to do it for Gmail:
How to do it Gmail Style :D
Here's how to do it for Hotmail:
How to do it Hotmail style

Monday, February 28, 2011

How to tell if you have ADD

If you have started reading this sentence, you don't have ADD. :D :D :D


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tip o' the day

When playing Nazi zombies on black ops, don't f**k with the zombies.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tip O' the Day (Real Tip)

If you have multiple emails and you're tired of having to individually sign onto each one, use an email program such as Microsoft Outlook. Mac's come standard with an email program. I believe it's called, "Email." :) Not sure though. Firefox has a program called Thunderbird, which I haven't used, but I heard is a pretty sweet email manager. Plus it's free!

Here are the reasons to get one of the managers:

1. Quick access to your email(s)
2. Quick alert of incoming emails
3. All your email accounts packed into one
4. Never have to manually sign into your email accounts again!!

Cheers :D

Tip O' the Day (Not really a tip)

If you buy an Xbox, it'll greatly increase your health. I lie. But you know what it will do is it'll help you kill some zombitches. LOL

Cheers :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tip O' The Day

Eat, shit, and sleep on shedule. It'll greatly improve your life. No lie.

Cheers :D